;यी घरेलु औषधीले तपाइको फोक्सोलाइ स्वास्थ्य राख्छ ..... एकपटक अवस्य पढ्नुहोस

Oranges: Orange has an element called cryptoxanthin, which reduces the risk of lungs cancer.
Thistles: Thistles has high iron content. Eating reduces the effects of infection on lungs.
Maize: Beta- cryptoxanthin found in maize reduces the risks of lungs cancer. So, fresh maize should be consumed frequently.

Ginger: Ginger reduces the toxins that have collected in lungs. Drinking tea with ginger makes breath fresh. Herbs: Herbs like peel of an orange, eucalypts, mint keep lungs clean.
Food with vitamins: Fruits and vegetables like orange, lemon, tomato juice, strawberry, mango, yellow and green capsicum which are high in vitamin content helps to remove toxins form the lungs and rapid the circulation of oxygen throughout the body.
Pistachios: Pistachios has a kind of vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol which helps keep lungs healthy. Garlic: Garlic has a compound called allicin, which increases the potential of the body to fight against infections. Garlic is very beneficial for lungs


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